CI Workshop Description

Designated Person Ashore

This 2-day online class provides an overview of the Designated Person Ashore’s (DPA) roles, responsibilities, and authority within the Company’s Safety Management System (SMS). This course combines in-depth knowledge and experience with a practical approach to monitoring and verifying safety and pollution prevention activities to achieve compliance and zero incidents. This upcoming class will provide guidance on how to incorporate the recent USCG Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment (SASH) and Harassment requirements into your SMS.


DPA/Internal Auditor

This 3-day online class  provides an overview of the Designated Person Ashore’s (DPA) roles, responsibilities, and authority within the Company’s Safety Management System (SMS). This course combines in-depth knowledge and experience with a practical approach to monitoring and verifying safety and pollution prevention activities to achieve compliance and zero incidents. As an Internal Auditor, it is critical to stay current with best practices throughout the audit cycle. Effective audits are invaluable to prevent incidents from occurring. Fine-tuning your skills to plan, ask the right questions, and write a meaningful report will yield the best results. This upcoming class will provide guidance on incorporating USCG requirements and auditing to prevent Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment (SASH) and Harassment incidents.


Effective Communication

This 1-day course provides an overview of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques to assist participants in improving their communication skills. The course uses practical exercises to improve communication techniques and identify barriers that prevent effective communication, for example: assumptions, confirmation bias, groupthink, emotional traps, closed mindedness, complex and disorganized messaging, and other communication hijackers.


Internal Auditor

This 2-day online class explores best practices to ensure a systematic and disciplined approach to auditing an organization's Safety Management System (SMS). This course follows the ISM Code. Those who register for this class will need to bring a copy of the ISM Code standard. This upcoming class will provide guidance on how to audit to meet USCG Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment (SASH) and Harassment requirements and prevent these incidents from occurring.


Internal Auditor Refresher

In today's rapidly changing work environment, it is critical to stay current with auditing practices throughout the audit cycle. Effective audits are invaluable to prevent incidents from occurring. Fine-tuning your skills to plan, ask the right questions, and write a meaningful report will yield the best results. This refresher course will provide a systematic review of current industry concerns as they apply to the internal audit process.


Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis (Introduction or Refresher)

Nobody likes terrible things to happen, but they do. How we manage these unintended outcomes will determine whether or not there is a high or low probability that these incidents will happen again. The root cause or causes are very important to identify for effective corrective action, most likely at the systemic level. This introduction or refresher course will provide a systematic process review of incident management stages: Notifying/Reporting, Investigating, Analyzing, Corrective Action, and Measuring Effectiveness.

This 1-day online course provides an introduction or refresher to Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis. This workshop is part of the Continual Improvement Workshop Series® developed by QSE Solutions.


Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis

This 2-day online class offers a process approach using case studies to investigate incidents and determine the root cause(s) for effective corrective action(s). Topics include outlining investigator roles, responsibilities, and authority, as well as employer responsibilities related to workplace incident investigations. Participants will be introduced to the incident (or near miss/close call) investigation process and procedures, incident analysis methodology, and techniques. The class will also provide an opportunity to work on skills and best practices necessary to conduct a fair and just investigation through exercises to structure an investigation report, conduct a root cause analysis, and develop other essential skills required for an effective incident investigation.


Leadership for Shoreside Management

This 3-day workshop covers sound leadership principles with interwoven case studies, robust discussions, and practical examples of proven business applications to achieve zero incidents and operational excellence. Some of the topics covered include socio-technical approach, organizational dynamics/development, interpersonal communication, collaboration, critical thinking, employee engagement, and evidence-based decision making. This course is part of the QSE Solutions Continual Improvement Workshop Series®.


Management of Change

An unclear perception and understanding of the Management of Change (MOC) process are critical barriers to having an effective Management System. 


This 1-day online Management of Change course provides an overview of MOC and how this process can help you manage risk due to changes within your organization. This course combines in-depth knowledge with a practical approach to provide a better understanding of this critical function to help ensure operational excellence and zero incidents. This workshop is part of the Continual Improvement Workshop Series® developed by QSE Solutions. 


Mindfulness for Performance Improvement

This 4-hour course provides a unique perspective on how to improve performance through practicing mindfulness without meditation. The course includes different mindfulness techniques and exercises to help with performance improvement on the job.


Quality Management System

ISO 9001 is the framework that most Management Systems are based on. This 2-day workshop will help participants better understand key foundational principles and processes for continual improvement as well as provide a complete and thorough review of the ISO 9001 standard and how it applies to maritime organizations. Those who register for this class will need to have a copy of the ISO 9001 standard. This course is part of the QSE Solutions Continual Improvement Workshop Series®.


Report Writing and Recordkeeping

Some of the critical processes of a well functioning management system include documentation and ensuring compliance. How effective this is, relies heavily on whether or not individuals within the organization can write reports and manage records for easy retrieval. An organized and systematic approach is vital for both. It is also essential that reports and records are sourced, controlled, and legal risks managed with appropriate safeguards. Topics and practical exercises will include: Writing Clear, Simple, Direct and Credible Reports that Get Attention; Report Writing Tips & Techniques; Safeguarding Information; Document & Record Control; and Challenges of Record Management.


Risk Assessment Refresher

Humans naturally assess situations to determine the best way forward; for example, if there is a fire, you may decide to move toward or away from it depending on your situation. If you are indoors and hot, you most likely will assess the fire as a risk to your safety and health; if you are outside and cold, you probably will see it as an opportunity to stay alive. In the business world of things, assessment of risk & opportunity for situations also comes naturally; however, the difference is that it is now a team activity requiring collaboration and communication for best results in the least amount of time. In this refresher course, we will review successful tools to assess risk & opportunity at all levels within your organization for optimal business planning and improvement. It will provide a systematic process review of risk assessment at all levels within your organization. Topics and practical exercises will review: Crisis Management and Business Continuity, ISO 9001:2015 Risk & Opportunity Assessment, and BowTie Risk Assessment.


Risk & Opportunity Assessment

When was your last risk & opportunity assessment performed at the management level? Do you have successful tools to assess risk & opportunity at all levels within your organization for optimal business planning and improvement?

This 1-day online Risk & Opportunity Assessment course will provide a process approach to conduct risk & opportunity assessments at all levels within your organization. Topics supplemented with practical exercises will provide successful tools to assess risk & opportunity within your organization for optimal business planning and improvement. This workshop is part of the Continual Improvement Workshop Series® developed by QSE Solutions.


Safety Management System (SMS)

This 1-day virtual workshop is a Safety Management System (SMS) practical primer and/or review to provide guidance on developing, implementing, and maintaining successful key processes within a SMS for continual safety performance improvement.  Depending on the class participants, the following best practices and standards will be covered: ISM Code, ISO 9001:2015, and 46 CFR Subchapter "M.”  This course is part of the QSE Solutions Continual Improvement Workshop Series® and can be customized for organization specific SMS workshops.